Friday, October 15, 2010

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

I chose a painting of a woman that looks like she has a lot on her mind. She is sitting at a table, staring off into the distance with a glass half full of what appears to be wine. The painting seems to be reaching out to lonely or maybe just confused women. The lady in the painting looks to be depressed and maybe even upset too. It also appears that she has had more than one glass of wine because the bottle is about half empty. I think the purpose of the painting is to illustrate how when some people get depressed they resort to drinking to make them either forget or feel better. Either way I do not think that anyone should have to reach for the bottle when they are upset. We need to find better ways to solve our problems. Drinking can lead us into a lot of trouble if we are not careful.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Unplugging TV

I do not agree that unplugging TV will make our children better human beings. It's not televisions fault that children grow up to be unhealthy or uneducated. I believe that the environment in which children grow up in will influence how healthy they are or how educated they are. There are many shows on TV that children can benefit form. There are animated shows that they can watch that are educational and enjoyable for them to watch at the same time. The history and discovery channel are both educational channels for everyone to watch. Just because somebody watches a lot of TV does not mean they will be unhealthy. I grew up playing every sport that I could and I still watched TV all the time. I think that we should probably watch less TV but thinking that were not going to be able to be independent because of it is ridiculous. Parents feed their children and get them involved in activities. Children are dependent on their parents to choose whats best for them. If you have a poor diet then you will probably be unhealthy but not because your watching too much TV. I have learned may things about sports growing up by watching them on TV. If I never had the chance to watch my team play or my favorite players perform then I would be less motivated to be like them. I enjoy seeing things as they happen and I believe that TV can be beneficial to children.

Power of Advertising

Advertisers today use performance and sexuality to sell many products. Many big name companies such as Nike and Axe use sex to sell their product when it is really unnecessary to do so. It almost seems like advertisers are trying to sell the person rather then the product. When somebody walks into Abercrombie and Fitch they will mostly see photos that are very sexual and barely show the product they are trying to sell. Advertising today, in my opinion, does not set the best example for children growing up. Children should not be exposed to the amount of sexuality in advertising. Many people believe that advertisements portray women to be objects rather the people. Men are frequently shown dominating women in advertisements. Advertising has a very strong influence on everybody and I think that advertisers need to set a better example then they do now.